Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 8: Teh soreness. I has it.

Friday, October 30

Workout: Five rounds of 20 body weight squats and 10 back extensions

Wow. Pushing close to three bills 100 times when your legs are already sore from a couple of days ago is fun. Can't think of a more excruciating way to spend 20 minutes at 5:30 in the morning. Damn, a long shower never felt so good, even if it wasn't easy to stand up in there. Needless to say, stairs are going to be my undoing for a few days. Still have good soreness in the chest and triceps from pushups on Wednesday. I like where this is going already.

Saturday, October 31

Workout: Six rounds of 20 lunges and 10 pushups (Tabata timer: 20 sec of work, 10 sec of rest)

Very nearly had a meltdown today when I thought I'd go down to the gym and do some of my workout there. Too many mirrors, too many other really self-concious, so I came back up to the apartment and did this while watching football. Legs very sore after...

Monday, November 2

Workout: Tabata timer; 20 sec of high intensity pushups, 10 sec of rest, 20 sec of high intensity situps, 10 sec of rest; for ten minutes

Yeeeeeeeeeeowch. Figured I'd give my legs a rest, but damn, the upper body feels like jello.

Wednesday, November 4

Five rounds of 20 squats and 20, errrrr, 10 pushups

Got ambitious today. After the first round of 20 pushups, I decided that doing 20 each round would be counter productive, as I wouldn't be able to lift my arms to get to my computer today...ended up doing one set of 20, then the remainder of 10. Still got in 100 squats though.

Moment of truth
Weight: 287
Net change: -2 lb.

"They" say that losing two pounds per week is healthy. Whatever, man. Two pounds is two pounds. Not bad for the first week.

1 comment:

  1. Good work, babe. To me, the most impressive part is that you can make yourself get out of bed at 5:30... although it shouldn't surprise me since you are the one who makes me get up every day. My hero ;)
